samedi 16 janvier 2016

USD $90K Passive Income Through Blogging

USD $90K Passive Income Through Blogging


                              نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪blogger‬‏

               with a small investing 
                you can do it     $90K
One year ago, my energy level was at it’s lowest. I just passed my 39th birthday and I wasn’t as passionate at work as I used to be. The BIG 40 is just one year away and suddenly there seemed to be an urgency for me to relook at the priorities in life. Time is running out, I need to do things that I want to do and love before it’s too late My Bucket List , yet I need to make sure whatever choices I make is not going to affect the bread & butter that I need to bring to the table for me and my family.
I googled for “passive income” and was blown away by this website Smart Passive Income. The author of this blog, Pat Flynn has been able to constantly increase his monthly income through blogging and his last clocked income for the month was USD $98K !!! Unbelievable 
I wanted to test for myself whether this is too good to be true and that triggered me to start this website. One year have passed, I thought I should share my learnings. Maintaining a website can be quite a chore, if you are not blogging about something you truly loved or believed in, you probably won’t last. Your website is constantly under attack from hackers which totally drains your energy. It is a constant struggle being genuine with what you want to share vs creating sensational or advertisement contents to increase viewership. You also have to constantly network with fellow bloggers to drive traffic to your website. Finally, you need the talent to attract and connect with readers and fellow bloggers.
Below is my blogging report card, I have not break-even after one year and my ad revenue is at a meagre SGD $10.62. My website renewal expires this month and I need to fork out another USD $25.98 for domain renewal and privacy protection.
There is a chinese saying “There’s no free lunch in the world”. I guess it’s true ;-p.
Thank you so much for staying with me for 1 year :-).  I will be continuing this money losing blog for another year if my hosting site doesn’t screw up on my renewal ;).  What has inspired me to continue is the encouraging notes that I get from you. I hope to inspire people especially ladies to start thinking about alternative source of income instead of betting one’s life on one income & starting to scramble when something happens. Moving forward, blogging will be more of a sharing exercise for me, I don’t think I have the time nor energy to make it into a revenue generating passive income source.  Too much work ;-p.
Lady, You Can Be Free Blogging Report Card
Expenditure for starting a website :
1) Hosting Site (36 months) & Domain Name (1 year)- USD $142.20
2) WordPress Template – USD $30
3) Domain Privacy Protection (1 year)- USD 4.78
solet's do it.

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